the Book
Table of Contents
Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part V
Part VI
Part VII
Vol.3: Man in Adam and in Christ
The papers in
this volume were published over a period of some fifteen years.
The experiences of those fifteen years only confirm in my mind
that man is indeed a fallen creature in whom there is no thought,
word, or deed that is not corrupted in one way or another. This
is the burden of the first Paper, "The Fall Was Down".
To pretend that human nature has
improved or is improvable by natural means is the worst form
of deception. Other creatures do not suffer this fatal sickness,
except in so far as man has corrupted their God-given instincts
-- which are surely nothing less than the laws of God written
in their hearts. In this sense, animals (all living things, in
fact, apart from man) are still "in God" and therefore
part of His kingdom. This is the subject matter of the second
Paper, "Nature as Part of the Kingdom of God".
But man has possibilities which
these other creatures do not have, because he was once stamped
with something which Scripture calls God's image. Many different
interpretations of what this image is have been proposed. The
third Paper, "The Terms 'Image' and 'Likeness' as Used in
Genesis 1:26", explores some of these and proposes one which
has obvious merits of its own.
Once this image is restored by
an act of re-creation on God's part in response to a saving faith
in the Lord Jesus Christ, a new work then begins: the formation
of a personality pleasing to God. The fourth Paper, "The
Development of Personality: The Old and the New", looks
at this process to see how much is entirely new and how much
is retained of the old; that is, in what way man is both entirely
a new creation in Christ, yet still recognizably the same individual
The fifth Paper, "The Place
of Handicaps in Human Achievement", is really self-explanatory
by its title.
The sixth Paper, "The Subconscious
and Forgiveness of Sins", deals with one particular
aspect of forgiveness that is not usually
of 2
the subject of much discussion
-- though it is quite fundamental to an understanding of the
distinction between the forgiveness of God in Christ and the
kind of forgiveness we can exercise towards one another.
The seventh Paper, "The Compelling
Logic of the Plan of Salvation", deals analytically with
the difference between Original Sin, the diseased condition that
we inherit as children of Adam, and the symptoms of that disease
as they literally work themselves out in our daily lives: in
short, the difference in Scripture between Sin and Sins.
The last Paper, "The Two Species
of Homo sapiens", is, I think, an entirely new approach
to the meaning of the term "the Body of Christ." It
is not a new truth that is being discussed, but an old and wonderful
truth arrived at by a different route. And it has profound implications
for the child of God, who, after once having walked in newness
of life, attempts in a time of spiritual decline to escape from
the momentary embarrassment of membership in the blameless family
of God in order to recover his status as a man of the world.
This Paper shows that such a return can never be successful in
anything more than a very superficial sense; and it indicates
one of the profound reasons for the failure of all such
The Doorway
Papers are a collection of writings published earlier by the
author. This volume consists of several papers relating to a
general theme; as a collection of papers, it is not to be regarded
as a unified treatment of the subject, and there may be some
duplication of material from one paper to the next.
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Copyright © 1988 Evelyn White. All rights
Chapter (Part I)
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