You have probably never considered the importance of this question. Why? Because you have been taught that humans sit at the top of the evolutionary ladder and that we are highly evolved animals. But there is a serious flaw in this reasoning, a flaw that the answer to this question exposes.
In this book, Arthur Custance provides some intriguing and little appreciated differences between humans and animals which clearly show that humans are so distinctly different from animals that no amount of evolution could have ever created a human. We may have devolved to appear like animals, but we could have never been created from an animal species.
The contents of this book also appear in Volume IV, PartV of the Doorway Papers Series, and can be read online at
Copyright © 2013 Doorway Publications
178 pp, 5.5 × 8.5 paper back style.
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ISBN: 978-0919857-82-7