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The Original Doorway Papers



Doorway Publications
c/o Dr. R. Gary Chiang
Ancaster, ON, L9K 1J4
Telephone: 905-648-8491
E-Mail: [email protected]



Titles are of the original monographs (papers) published during the years 1957-1972;
Papers were originally 60 in number but grew to 62.
Titles in brackets indicate revised titles for second issue of the monographs in 1988.


Date of first publication.
(Online publication dates vary.)


Titles of the original Zondervan papers published from 1975-1980,
with links to more current online files.


Who Taught Adam to Speak

Language neither evolved nor is instinctive. If every baby learns a language by being spoken to, then who spoke to the first human?

 1957 Part VI of
Vol. 2 (Genesis and Early Man)

Longevity in Antiquity and Its Bearing on Chronology

(How Old Was Methusaleh?)

Although science predicts that humans will live for centuries, doubt is cast on biblical records and on myths of longevity in antiquity. Yet from the data given in Genesis studies in the sciences affirm the reality of these, and present, life spans. [The Virgin Birth and The Incarnation, Vol. 5, Part I]

 1957 Part I of
Vol. 5 (The Virgin Birth and the Incarnation)

How to Evaluate Commentaries on Genesis

Covers some 70 books from liberal, conservative and evangelical perspectives, from "popular" and scholarly, modern and older writers.

 1957 (not online)

The Problem of Evil: Some Little Considered Physical Aspects

(The Problem of Evil in God's World)

Scripture declares that natural disasters, accidents, pain and suffering are evils (which is not the same as sin) and proceed from God - as do blessings!

 1957 Part III of
Vol. 9 (The Flood: Local or Global?)

Origins of the Nations: A Study of the Names in Genesis X

A study of this record of the families of Noah's three sons from whom (it is plainly stated in verse 32) arose all the nations, provides information about the origins, relationships, and patterns of dispersion of all racial stocks; and explores the evidence that fossil man, primitive people, and modern man are all to be derived from these three brothers.

 1964 Part II of
Vol. 1 (Noah's Three Sons)

Some Hebrew Word Studies

Hebrew words often have dual meanings which shed light on God's concern for man's salvation: ex., nasa' means 'to lift up' and 'to forgive'.

 1972 (not online)

Convergence and the Origin of Man

Convergence: and the Origin of Man Identical structures are developed in unrelated species to meet a similar need - and is not evidence of ancestry. It is not divergence, but convergence.

 1970 Part III of
Vol. 4 (Evolution or Creation?)

The Confusion of Tongues: and the Original Speech of Mankind

(What Language Did Adam Speak?)

Linguistic research throws light on what happened at the Tower of Babel and of the subsequent disruption in communications.

 1961 Part V of
Vol. 6 (Time and Eternity)

The Influence of Environmental Pressures on the Human Skull

(The Supposed Evolution of the Human Skull)

The shape of a human fossil skull tells us more about environment and living conditions than about ancestry and age. This Paper discusses the factors influencing the skull's shape.

 1957 Part IV of
Vol. 2 (Genesis and Early Man)

The Place of Art in Worship

Private and corporate worship can be helped or hindered by environment - such as cathedrals vs meeting halls, beauty vs functionalism, liturgy vs extempore prayer.

 1966 Part VI of
Vol. 9 (The Flood: Local or Global?)

Between the Lines: An Analysis of Genesis 1:1-2

(The Time Gap in Genesis Between Verses 1 and 2)

A study of the original Hebrew wording and grammar can be taken to indicate a gap of unknown duration between verses 1 and 2, a view anciently held by rabbis long before modern geology.

 1957 Part III of
Vol. 6 (Time and Eternity)

Medieval Synthesis: Modern Fragmentation of Thought

Everyone needs a raison d'etre, a world view such as that provided by the Medieval Synthesis. But it collapsed with the new knowledge of Science: and it has not yet provided a satisfactory replacement. Some guidelines are here offered for a new synthesis.

 1965 Part III of
Vol. 8 (Science and Faith)

Some Striking Fulfillments of Prophecy

This is a tale of two cities whose futures were foretold and exactly fulfilled. Some thoughts on the role of prophecy in the life of a Christian.

 1962 Part III of
Vol. 7 (Hidden Things of God's Revelation)

The Development of Personality: the New and the Old

(Personality: Before and After Conversion)

Studies in personality development help us to understand how one becomes a new person in Christ and yet remains recognizably the same person.

 1958 Part IV of
Vol. 3 (Man in Adam and in Christ)

The Virgin Birth and The Incarnation

The Incarnation of Jesus Christ by the Virgin Birth is a miracle: yet genetics and embryology tell us how it was done; theology tells us why it had to be so.

 1969 Part IV of
Vol. 5 (The Virgin Birth and the Incarnation)

Three Trees: and Israel's History

Scripture gives a three dimensional history of Israel by using 3 symbols consistently: the vine, the fig and the olive, to describe the temporal, religious, and spiritual life of the nation.

 1961 Part II of
Vol. 6 (Time and Eternity)

How Did Jesus Die?

Discusses the Lord's death not as a theological event but as a physical event: though He died on the cross, He did not die because of it, for He laid down His life, no man took it from Him. The Paper is about the how, not the why, of His death.

 1969 Part VII of
Vol. 5 (The Virgin Birth and the Incarnation)

Flood Traditions of the World

These traditions are "variations on a theme", bearing witness to a single event. The implications for the biblical record are explored.

 1969 Part II of
Vol. 9 (The Flood: Local or Global?)

Light from Other Forms of Cultural Behaviour on Some Incidents in Scripture

(The Relevance of Cultural Studies to Scripture)

Incidents in some 19 passages of Scripture which seem odd or unfair to us are shown to be quite normal and reasonable in other cultures.

 1971 Part VII of
Vol. 2 (Genesis and Early Man)

Preparation of the Earth Before Man: Evidence of Supernatural Selection

(The Earth Before Man)

Earth's past geological history: an alternative explanation to that of evolutionary, Young Earth, and Flood geologists.

 1959 Part I of
Vol. 4 (Evolution or Creation?)

Is Man An Animal?

Man differs from animals in so many subtle ways - anatomically, physiologically, psychologically, mentally, spiritually - that it is no longer justified to classify him in the animal kingdom at all. It is a study of man's assessment of himself apart from revelation, concluding with God's intention of True Man as revealed in the Person of Jesus Christ.

 1972 Part V of
Vol. 4 (Evolution or Creation?)

Establishing a Paleolithic IQ

(How Smart Was Cave Man?)

When criteria for intelligence and what it is that makes us human is defined, then the small cranial capacity and simple tools do not indicate a low IQ.

 1967 Part III of
Vol. 2 (Genesis and Early Man)

The Silences of God

(The Reasons for God's Silences)

This is not about unanswered private prayer but about God's public silences in the face of appalling suffering and injustices. It explores God's purposes and timing in the use of 'signs and wonders.'

 1971 Part I of
Vol. 7 (Hidden Things in God's Revelation)

Genealogies of the Bible: A Neglected Study

Genealogies, seemingly "dry" lists of names, do provide a framework for historical events, and also tell us much about relationships, social customs, spiritual history and lessons.

 1967 Part V of
Vol. 7 (Hidden Things in God's Revelation)

The Nature of the Forbidden Fruit

(Did Eve Give Adam an Apple?)

The consequences of eating a fruit, as claimed in Genesis, is confirmed by studies in genetics, biology and chemistry; so this is not a 'story' but sober history - and it has profound implications for our redemption.

 1958 Part II of
Vol. 5 (The Virgin Birth and the Incarnation)

The Necessity of the Four Gospels and the Place of Contradictions

(The Harmony of Contradiction)

The statement of truth may demand the use of contradictory terms and, given the difference between knowing the facts and perceiving the truth, it seems that contradiction may be essential to the understanding of truth.

 1969 Part II of
Vol. 7 (Hidden Things in God's Revelation)

How Noah's Three Sons Influenced Subsequent History

A biblical philosophy in cameo of how history since the Flood was (and is) influenced by the nations descended from Noah's three sons through the unique endowment given to each branch, according to God's design as stated (cryptically) in Gen.9:24-27.

 1958 Part I of
Vol. 1 (Noah's Three Sons)

A Framework of History: A Christian World view

(A Christian World view)

History, personal existence and experience, the world, the universe - all find meaning and significance when seen from God's perspective: the redemption of man.

 1968 (not online)

A Retranslation of Genesis 1:1-2:4: Some Research Notes

(The Week of Creation)

From a study of the grammar and syntax of the original Hebrew, this week is not so much the creation but more of a restoration, a re-ordering of things after a catastrophic judgment.

 1961 Part VI of
Vol. 7 (Hidden Things in God's Revelation)

The Omnipotence of God in the Affairs of Men

(The Sovereignty of God in the Affairs of Men)

A discussion of God's sovereignty and personal responsibility, of the basis of God's judgment of human behaviour, and of the distinctions between evil and sin, goodness and righteousness, fruits and works, justification and forgiveness.

 1960 Part IV of
Vol. 6 (Time and Eternity)

Primitive Cultures: A Second Look at their Historical Origin

(Cultural Progress: From High to Low!)

Genesis not only accounts for the sudden rise of culture in the Middle East (attested to by Archaeology) but also for the loss of that culture as people dispersed from the centre.

 1960 Part II of
Vol. 2 (Genesis and Early Man)

The Fallacy of Anthropological Reconstructions

(The Face of Fossil Man)

Can one, by studying a skull, determine whether the lips are full or thin, the beard and eyebrows thick or sparse, the eyes lively or dull and vacant? Form can tells us something about function, but not about relationships.

 1966 Part V of
Vol. 2 (Genesis and Early Man)

Primitive Monotheism: and the Origin of Polytheism

(Belief in one God or Many Gods: Which Came First?)

Evidence shows that religion has not evolved upwards but degenerated: and the implications of this fact raise penetrating questions.

 1968 Part II of
Vol. 4 (Evolution or Creation?)

The Universe: Designed for Man?

It seems that this world is peculiarly suited to such a creature as man - as if the universe was made for the world and the world for man and his redemption.

 1970 Part I of
Vol. 8 (Science and Faith)

One Man's Answers to Prayer

While this is a personal testimony, it is also a guide to prayer - who can pray, what to pray about, 'fleeces', so-called unanswered prayer, etc.

 1972 Part VII of
Vol. 9 (The Flood: Local or Global?)

Time and Eternity: Instantaneous Creation in the Light of the Theory of Relativity

(Time and Eternity)

Time began, said Augustine, with creation. Time has no existence, said Einstein, apart from the physical universe. Yet eternity is not an extension of time. How time and eternity differ and yet co-exist is demonstrated by events at the Cross.

 1958 Part I of
Vol. 6 (Time and Eternity)

A Fresh Look at the Meaning of the Term 'Soul'

(The Nature of the Soul)

By careful attention to the words used to describe the creation of the First Adam, we discover the components of human nature: in the Incarnation of the Second Adam we find clues as to the time when personhood is achieved.

 1959 Part VI of
Vol. 5 (The Virgin Birth and the Incarnation)

Some Remarkable Biblical Confirmations from Archaeology: With Special Emphasis on the Book of Genesis

(Genesis Confirmed by Archaeology)

At what point in Genesis is the record no longer to be taken as history? When does fact become fancy? Archaeology confirms the historicity of Genesis: and Adam is no less a real person than Abraham.

 1963 Part IV of
Vol. 7 (Hidden Things of God's Revelation)

The Fall was Down

(Evidence of Man's Fall Throughout History)

History is a dismal record of man's destructive wickedness; and how we account for this fact determines how we deal with society's ills.

 1967 Part I of
Vol. 3 (Man in Adam and in Christ)

The Extent of the Flood

(The Flood: Local or Global?)

A strict adherence to the literal wording leaves us with little alternative than to view Noah's Flood as universal insofar as mankind is concerned, but local insofar as geography is concerned. The problems involved in a global flood are discussed.

 1958 Part I of
Vol. 9 (The Flood: Local or Global?)

The Trinity in the Old Testament

(How the Trinity is Revealed in the Old Testament)

What was the Son of God doing before the Incarnation? We can know because the KJV adopted a method of translating the Hebrew which informs us which Person of the Trinity is speaking or working.

 1959 Part V of
Vol. 5 (The Virgin Birth and the Incarnation)

The Technology of the Hamitic Peoples

(The Originators of Technology)

This Paper is a is a list of basic technological achievements, traced back to the first originators. These inventors par excellence turn out to be, not a Westerner, but a descendant of Noah's son Ham, to whom mankind owes a great debt.

 1960 Part III of
Vol. 1 (Noah's Three Sons)

Scientific Determinism: Divine Intervention

(The Intervention of God in Nature)

If the universe was created like a watch and wound up, is God necessary now, as Science declares? To allow miracle is to imply that the Watchmaker's mechanism was imperfect or has been disturbed. This is a study of these implications and of the clues in Scripture of where, within scientific determinism, we may expect to find divine intervention.

 1972 Part II of
Vol. 8 (Science and Faith)

Fossil Remains of Early Man and the Records of Genesis

(Fossil Man and Adam)

If Adam and Eve are the first true humans (as stated emphatically in Genesis), then fossil remains MUST be descendant, not ancestors. On this premise, an alternative interpretation is presented which takes into account the scientific facts.

 1968 Part I of
Vol. 2 (Genesis and Early Man)

The Resurrection of Jesus Christ

(The Necessity of Jesus' Resurrection)

Without the sacrifice there could be no salvation: but without the resurrection the sacrifice would be ineffective - for three reasons.

 1971 Part VIII of
Vol. 5 (The Virgin Birth and the Incarnation)

The Subconscious and the Forgiveness of Sins

(How God's Forgiveness Deals with Guilt Complexes)

God not only forgives all our sins but also forgets them! This is not a study of why He forgives but of how He cleanses the subconscious, taking away the guilt that plagues us.

 1970 Part VI of
Vol. 3 (Man in Adam and in Christ)

The Realm of Nature as Part of the Kingdom of God

The interdependence and harmony of Nature is evidence that it belongs within God's Kingdom. Its arch-destroyer is man! He is the alien, the misfit. How God restores him to harmony with nature and His Kingdom is good news - the Gospel!

 1959 Part II of
Vol. 3 (Man in Adam and in Christ)

The Terms 'Image' and 'Likeness' as Used in Genesis

The Paper deals with two misconceptions: we, Adam's descendants, are not in the image of God, and 'image' and 'likeness' are not the same thing. The precise meaning of these words, given in Scripture, demonstrate how redemption is achieved and how Christian character is acquired.

 1964 Part III of
Vol. 3 (Man in Adam and in Christ)

The Meaning of Sweat as Part of the Curse

("In the Sweat of thy Brow")

Scripture has very little to say about sweating, but what it does say about it in Genesis 3:19 is up-to-date with modern research.

 1962 Part V of
Vol. 9 (The Flood: Local or Global?)

Cain's Wife: and the Penalty of Incest

(Did Cain Marry his Sister?)

Research has shown that the effects of incest tend now to be evil for reasons which are scientifically understandable. Scripture shows itself to be aware of these reasons - reasons which did not exist when man began to populate the earth.

 1967 Part VI of
Vol. 6 (Time and Eternity)

If Adam Had Not Died

(What If We Could Not Die)

The implication of the prohibition and its penalty (Gen.2:17) is that Adam was created immortal, that death though possible was not inevitable. And the truth is that only if the First Adam had this immortality (even though briefly), only then could the Second Adam by vicarious sacrifice accomplish our redemption.

 1966 Part III of
Vol. 5 (The Virgin Birth and the Incarnation)

The Survival of the UN-Fit

The evolutionary view that the chronic warfare in nature results in the survival of only the fit is undermined by the numerous reports of the survival of the UN-fit, demonstrating the harmony of natural communities.

 1971 Part IV of
Vol. 4 (Evolution or Creation?)

The Importance of a Name

(What's in a Name?)

Other cultures see a profound connection between a word and the thing it identifies. Thus, for example, a change in character requires a new name - and this attitude is reflected in Scripture in several ways.

 1967 Part IV of
Vol. 9 (The Flood: Local or Global?)

Why Noah Cursed Canaan Instead of Ham

(Why Noah Cursed his Grandson Instead of his Son)

Cultural Anthropology gives a clue as to why the innocent party, not the guilty, was cursed.

 1957 Part I of
Vol. 1 (Noah's Three Sons)

When the Earth Was Divided: An Imaginative Reconstruction of Early History

(Of Oceans, the Moon, and Continental Drift!)

An imaginative reconstruction of the earth's early global history: an old world disappeared in a catastrophic event which created a new world with a moon, oceans, and continents! The supporting data comes from many fields of enquiry.

 1962 (not online)

The Place of Handicaps in Human Development and Achievement

(Handicaps: Hindrance or Help?)

Handicaps which seem to prevent our best achievements may in fact be accomplishing God's goal - the making of saints, not successful executives.

 1971 Part V of
Vol. 3 (Man in Adam and in Christ)

The Compelling Logic of the Plan of Salvation: A Study of the Difference Between the Words SIN and SINS

Redemption deals with both SIN, the nature which we inherent and so not responsible for, and SINS, the expression of that nature for which we are responsible, in a way that is just and fair.

  1972 Part VII of
Vol. 3 (Man in Adam and in Christ)

The Unique Relationship Between the First and the Last Adam

(The First and the Last Adam)

In the Bible there are two men called Adam: the First Adam sums up in himself all of humanity (in all its wickedness), and the Second Adam sums up in Himself all of redeemed humanity. This is possible because of the unique relationship - physiological and psychological - between these two men.

 1962 Part IX of
Vol. 5 (The Virgin Birth and the Incarnation)

The Two Species of Homo Sapiens

(The Christian: A New Species of Homo Sapiens)

It now appears that the basis of speciation is psychical (spiritual) as well as physical and thus the experience of new birth has the effect of making one a member of a new species, termed in Scripture the "Body of Christ."

 1972 Part VIII of
Vol. 3 (Man in Adam and in Christ)

The Fitness of Living Things and the Significance of Dauermodifications

(How Living Things Adapt to Their Environment)

The 'how' of the harmony found in the web of life appears to be in the complexity of the genes: they ensure the integrity of the species ("after its kind") yet provide a built-in mechanism of self-adjustment (termed dauermodification) to changes in the environment.

 1978 Part IV of
Vol. 8 (Science and Faith)

Christian Scholarship: A Protest.... and a Plea

The hallmark of Christian scholarship is not that it states the truth (which any scholarly work ought to do) but that it faces up to the Christian implications of these truths as they relate to the Faith.

 1963 Part VIII of
Vol. 9 (The Flood: Local or Global?)

The Zondervan Edition of the Doorway Papers

Volume 1 Noah's Three Sons (765k)

Volume 2. Genesis and Early Man (3.5 Mb)

Volume 3. Man in Adam and in Christ (2.6 Mb)

Volume 4. Evolution or Creation (4 Mb)

Volume 5. The Virgin Birth and the Incarnation (4.1 Mb)

Volume 6. Time and Eternity (2.9 Mb)

Volume 7. Hidden Things in God's Revelation (2.8 Mb)

Volume 8. Science and Faith (1 Mb)

Volume 9. The Flood: Local or Global (2.2 Mb)