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Table of Contents



  Chapter  1
  Chapter  2
  Chapter  3
  Chapter  4
  Chapter  5
  Chapter  6

  Appendix I
  Appendix II
  Appendix III
  Appendix IV
  Appendix V
  Appendix VI
  Appendix VII
  Appendix VIII
  Appendix IX
  Appendix X
  Appendix XI
  Appendix XII
  Appendix XIII
  Appendix XIV
  Appendix XV
  Appendix XVI
  Appendix XVII
  Appendix XVIII
  Appendix XIX
  Appendix XX
  Appendix XXI

  Biblical References

General Bibliography





General Bibliography.


Alcuin, Book of Jasher, edition published by the Rosicrucians.

Allis, O. T., "The Time Element in Gen. 1.2", Torch and Trumpet,

Vol.III, No.3, 1958, pp. 16-19.

Anstey, Martin, "The Romance of Bible Chronology", Marshall

Bros., London, 1913.

Aquinas, Thomas, "Sententiarum" (ie., "Sentences - A Commentary

on the Works of Peter Lombard"), 3nd Book, Distinct, xiii,

article 3, "Ad Tertium".

Barr, James, "The Semantics of Biblical Language", Oxford, 1962.

Basson, H. H., "Language and Philosophy" in Philosophy, Journal

of Roy. Inst. Phil. (London), Vol.22, pp.49-65.

Baylee, Joseph, "On the Nature of Language", Transactions of

the Victoria Institute, London, Vol. in, 1868-69.

Blake, Frank R., "A Resurvey of Hebrew Tenses", Pontificum

Institutum Biblicum, Rome, 1951.

Boman, Thorlief, "Hebrew Thought Compared With Greek", SCM

Press, London, 1960.

Brown, F., S. R. Driver, and C. A. Briggs, "A Hebrew and English

Lexicon of the Old Testament Based on Gesenius", Oxford,


Browne, E. Harold, "Genesis; or the First Book of Moses", Scrib-

ners, N.Y., 1873.

Bruce, F. F. , "And the Earth Was Without Form and Void", Trans-

actions of the Victoria Institute, London, Vol.78, 1946.

Buckland, William, "Geology and Mineralogy Considered With Ref-

erence to Natural Theology", Bridgewater Treatises, Vol. 1,

No.VI, Chap.2.

Bush, George, "Notes, Critical and Practical, on the Book of Gen-

esis", Ward, London, 3rd edition, 1838, in two volumes.

Buswell, J. Oliver, "The Length of the Creative Days", pamphlet

published privately.

Butler, I. G., "The Bible-Work: Old Testament", Gen. - Exod.

XIII, Vol.1, Funk & Wagnalls, N.Y., 1887.


pg 1 of 5      

Caedmon: "Genesis: Excursus A", translated by Lawrence Mason

in "Yale Studies in English", series edited by Albert S. Cook,

Henry Holt, N.Y., 1915.

Chalmers, Thomas, "Works", Vol.1 and XII particularly, and also

"An Examination of Cuvier's Theory of the Earth", 1814.

Dathe, J. Auguste, Libre VI, "Exrecensione textus Hebraei et Ver-

sionum antiquarum Latine versi, notisque philologicis et

criticis illustrati", Halle, 1791, in 6 volumes.

Davies, Benjamin, "A Compendious and Complete Hebrew and Chald-

ee Lexicon" (based on Gesenius and Furst), Bradley, Boston,


Delitzsch, Franz, "Commentary on Genesis", 3rd. edition, and "A

New Commentary on Genesis", 5th ed., Vol. 1 & II, dark,

Edinburgh, 1888, also "A System of Biblical Psychology",

2nd. edition, T. &T. dark, Edinburgh, 1899 (reprinted by

Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, 1966).

Dillman, A., "Genesis Critically and Exegetically Expounded"

translated by W. B. Stevenson, dark, Edinburgh, 1897.

Driver, S. R., "A Treatise on the Tenses in Hebrew", Oxford, 3rd.

ed., 1892; "The Book of Genesis", Westminster Comment-

aries, ed. by W. Lock, Methuen, London, 1904.

Edersheim, Alfred, "The World Before the Flood and the History of

the Patriarchs", Religious Tract Society, London, no date.

Exell, J. S., "Pulpit Commentary on Genesis", Kegan Paul, Trench

and Trubner, London, 1897.

Filby, F. A., "Creation Revealed", Pickering & Inglis, London,


Garland, D. V., "Genesis With Notes", Rivingtons, London, 1878.

Ginsberg, Louis, "The Legends of the Jews", Jewish Publ. Soc. of

Amer., Phila., 1954 , in seven volumes.

Green, W. H., "The Unity of the Book of Genesis", N.Y., 1895,

pp. 7-20 for an excellent discussion of Gen. 1.2.

Harris, John, "The Pre-Adamite Earth: Contributions to Theolog-

ical Science", Ward & Co. , London, n.d. (circa 1849); and

"Primeval Man", Ward & Co., London, 1849.

Heidel, A., "The Babylonian Genesis", Univ. of Chicago Press, 1942

Hershon, Paul Isaac, "A Rabbinical Commentary on Genesis", Hod-


     pg.2 of 5     

der & Stoughton, London, 1882.

Heward, P. W., "And the Earth was Without Form and Void", Trans-

actions of the Victoria Institute, London, Vol.78, 1946, pp.13

to 37.

Hoare, William H., "The Veracity of the Book of Genesis", Longman,

Green, London, 1860,

Howitt, John R., "A Brief Note on the Translation of the Word 'Day'

in Genesis 1", Journal American Scientific Affiliation, 5:1953.

Hugo, St. Victor, "De Sacramentis Christianae Fidei", Bk.l, Pt. 1

Chap. VI.

Jameison, Fausset, and Brown, "Commentary: Critical, Experi-

mental and Practical", Collins, Edinburgh, 1871.

Jones, J. C., "Primeval Revelation", Hodder & Stoughton, Lon-

don, 1897.

Kalisch, M. M. , "A Historical and Critical Commentary on the Old

Testament with a New Translation", Longman, Brown, and

Green, London, 1858.

Keil, C. F. and F. Delitzsch, "Biblical Commentary on the Pent-

ateuch", T. & T. Clark, Edinburgh, 1864.

Kline, Meredith G., "Because It Had Not Rained", Westminster

Theological Journal, Vol.XX, No.2, 1958, pp. 146-157.

Kurtz, J.H., "The Bible and Astronomy", 1853; and "A History

of the Old Covenant", dark, Edinburgh, 1859.

Lamsda, George M., "The Four Gospels According to the Eastern

Versions", translated from Aramaic, Holman, Phila., 1933.

Lange, Peter, " Commentary on Genesis", Zondervan, Grand Rapids,

(reprinted from the 1864 edition).

Leo, Christopher, translation of "A Hebrew Lexicon of the Old Test-

ament by D. W. Gesenius", Cambridge, 1825.

Lewis, Taylor, "Divine Human in the Scriptures", Carter, N.Y.,

no date (probably around 1860).

McCaul, A. I., "Biblical Interpretation in Connection With Science",

Transactions Of the Victoria Institute, London, Vol. IX, 1875-

76, pp.147-175.

Orlinsky, Harry M., "The Plain Meaning of Ru'ah in Gen.1.2",

Jewish Quarterly Review, Vol. XL VIII, 1957-58, valuable

for reference to relevant literature.


     pg.3 of 5     


Origen, "De Principiis" in Ante-Nicene Fathers, Scribners, N.Y.,


Payne, D. F., "Genesis One Reconsidered", Tyndale Press, Lon-

don, 1964.

Pearson, Anton T., "An Exegetical Study of Gen. 1.1-3", Bethel

Seminary Quarterly, Nov., 1953, pp. 14-33.

Pember, G. H., "Earths Earliest Ages", Hodder & Stoughton, Lon-

don, 1901.

Pererius, Benedict, "Commentariorum et disputationum in Gen-

esim", in 4 volumes, published between 1591-99.

Petavius, Dionysius, "De Opificio Sex Deierum", Bk.l, Chap.ii,

Section 10.

Pratt, H., "Scripture and Science NOT at Variance", Churchill,

London, no date.

Pusey, E. B., "Daniel the Prophet; Nine Lectures", Innes & Co.,

London, 1892.

Ramm, Bernard, "The Christian View of Science and Scripture",

Eerdman's, Grand Rapids, 1954.

Ratschow, C. H., "Werden und Wirken", Bernefte zur ZAW, 70,

Alfred Topelmann, 1941.

Reusch, Fr. H., "Nature and the Bible: Lectures on the Mosaic

History of Creation in Its Relation to Natural Science", trans-

lated by Kathleen Lyttleton from 4th ed., dark. Edinburgh,


Ridderbos, N. H., "The Meaning of Genesis One", Free University

Quarterly, Vol. IV, 1955-57, p.222f.

Rosenmuller, J. G., "Antiquissima Telluris Historia", Ulm, 1776.

Sauer, Erich, "Dawn of World Redemption", Eerdman's, Grand

Rapids, 1953.

Sedgewick, Adam, "Discourses on the Studies of the Universe",

Cambridge, (circa 1860).

Skinner, John, "A Critical and Exegetical Commentary on Genesis"

in The International Critical Commentary, dark, Edinburgh,


Smith, J. Pye, "Scripture and Geology", London, 4th ed., (5th ed.

in 1854).

Stoner, Peter W., "The Reconstruction or Catacysmic Theory",

Journal American Scientific Affiliation, Sept., 1954, p .9-13.

Surburg, Raymond, "In the Beginning God Created" in "Darwin,


     pg.4 of 5      

Evolution, and Creation", ed. by Paul A. Zimmerman, Con-

cordia Publ., St. Louis, 1959.


Thayer, J. H., "A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament",

dark, Edinburgh, 4th ed., 1961.

Tregelles, S. P., translated "Gesenius1 Hebrew and Chaldee Lex-

icon", Wiley & Sons, London, 1889.

Whitcomb, John C., "The Creation of the Heavens and the Earth",

Creation Research Society Annual, Sept., 1967, pp. 69-74;

and "The Ruin-Reconstruction Theory of Gen. 1.2", CRS

Annual, 2:1965.

Whorf, Benjamin Lee, "Collected Paper son Metalinguistics", Dept.

of State, Foreign Service Inst., Washington, D.C., 1952;

"Language, Thought and Reality", Wiley & Co., N.Y., 1956.

Wiseman, Cardinal, "Lectures on the Connexion Between Science and

Revealed Religion", 2 volumes, London, 1849.

Young, Edward J., "Studies in Genesis One", in "International

Library of Philosophy and Theology: Biblical and Theological

Studies", ed. by J. M. Kik, Presbyterian & Reformed Publ.

Co., Phila., 1964;   "Genesis One and Natural Science",

Torch and Trumpet, 7, No. 4; "The Relation of the First Ver-

se of Genesis to verses 2 and 3:, Westminster Theological

Journal, Vol.21, 1959, pp. 133-146; "The Interpretation of

Genesis 1.2", Westminster Theological Journal, Vol.23,

1961, pp.151-178.

Young, Robert, "A Literal Translation of the Bible", Pickering &

Inglis, London, (n,d.); "The Holy Bible: A Translation

According to the Letter and Idioms of the Original Lang-

uages", Pickering & Inglis, London, n.d.


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